We created Scampi to assist individuals with the essential research needed when considering high-risk investments. Our independent and professional reviews are designed to expedite the process of reporting and due diligence by providing users with critical information and clear direction. Our goal is to make the complex world of cryptocurrency more accessible and less daunting for retail investors.

Our Strengths


Cryptocurrency is a complex field, fraught with scams and largely unregulated. While the crypto community often emphasizes the importance of doing your own research, most retail investors are not prepared to put in the necessary effort. At Scampi, we address this by offering a convenient tool that assesses the potential risks of a cryptocurrency, guiding investors and providing them with a clear starting point.


The simpler the tool, the larger its potential audience. Scampi’s structured approach is designed to appeal to investors who may not know the right questions to ask. By streamlining the input required, Scampi ensures that even those with limited knowledge can effectively use the platform to analyse crypto risks.


Scampi uses a quantitative scale output (1-10) to make risk assessment straightforward. This numerical scale helps our customers to easily understand the level of risk associated with a cryptocurrency, especially when they lack the expertise to interpret more subjective analyses or the inclination to read through detailed reports.

At Scampi, we are committed to providing you with reliable, independent, professional reviews to help you navigate the risks of high-stakes investments. Our platform is designed with your needs in mind, ensuring that you have the tools and information necessary to make informed decisions in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency.

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