Disclaimer for Cryptocurrency Scam Perception Index (Scampi)
The Cryptocurrency Scam Perception Index (Scampi) is provided as a general informational tool designed to aid investors by offering insights into potential risks associated with various cryptocurrency investments. Scampi is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice, a recommendation, or an endorsement of any particular security, strategy, or investment product.
Scampi does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information it provides. The index is derived from data sources believed to be reliable; however, its accuracy, completeness, or reliability cannot be guaranteed. The index and its underlying metrics are based on historical data and market conditions, which are inherently subject to change and may not predict future market behaviour.

Investors should be aware that Scampi scores and associated assessments are only one of many elements that should be considered in making an informed investment decision. The presence of a cryptocurrency on Scampi, regardless of its assigned score, does not imply that it is free from the risk of fraud or other serious issues.
Potential investors are strongly advised to conduct their own research and consider all available information regarding a cryptocurrency before making any investment decisions. This should include, but is not limited to, an examination of the cryptocurrency’s market dynamics, regulatory status, technological innovation, and financial health. Consulting with a qualified professional who understands the unique and often volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market is also recommended.
By using Scampi, you agree that the creators, contributors, associated partners, and the platform itself bear no responsibility for any decisions or actions you take as a result of accessing the index. You assume full responsibility for any investment decisions you make, and any consequences that may result therefrom.
Invest wisely and cautiously, recognizing that investment in cryptocurrency involves significant risk, including the potential loss of principal.